Dry skin and acne-prone skin seem contradictory. You're probably wondering how it's possible for your skin to be dry and oily at the same time, but it's more common than it seems. The preconception that people with acne-prone skin cannot have dry skin is wrong. Hydrated skin and oily skin are two different problems. You can have an oily and acne-prone skin that is not hydrated. Below we will reveal 4 ways to combat these skin problems to leave you with a smooth and glowing complexion.
Avoid Harsh Scrubs
Exfoliating can help clear your skin of dead cells that clog pores and cause acne. When exfoliation is done correctly, the skin becomes smooth and looks younger, but if done incorrectly, it can make breakouts worse. Improper use of harsh scrubs over existing breakouts can cause the infection to spread to other parts of the face. Also, excess exfoliation can irritate your skin by generating micro-cracks, which allow bacteria to cause acne.
To avoid these problems, use a gentler exfoliator like COSRX's AHA/BHA CLARIFYING TREATMENT TONER . The toner is a skin-soothing exfoliator, perfect for acne-prone skin.
Moisturizes and Soothes the Skin
Pimples and acne marks, at their core, are wounds, but they are rarely treated with the same importance as treating a wound. To speed up the acne healing process, the skin must be treated very well on a daily basis. We should avoid using products that can dry it like alcohol and menthol, especially on areas with acne. The best method is to use pimple patches such as Acne Pimple Patch which help to extract impurities and calm the skin.
Dry skin is very common if you have acne, mainly because most people think that the way to fight acne is to dry/dehydrate the skin, avoiding the use of products such as moisturizers, but actually not moisturizing the skin itself is one of the causes of acne . By not hydrating the skin, it starts to produce more and more oil in an attempt to compensate for the lack of moisture, creating a vicious cycle. Supple Preparation Unscented Toner from Dear, Klairs hydrates and soothes the skin at the same time with the Centella Asiatica ingredient. Because it does not contain oils, after applying the toner you will not have the feeling of oily skin.
Use Sunscreen
As I said above, acne should be treated like a wound. Acne scars need to be protected from ultraviolet (UV) rays, which can make acne more prone to dark spots. At the same time, applying sunscreen on your skin seems to only make your skin oilier, and many sunscreens are non-comedogenic, so they can clog your pores, making the problem worse. Innisfree's Intensive Triple Care Sunscreen can protect your skin from UV rays and won't make your skin oily because it doesn't contain oils. It also provides the necessary hydration to the skin and brightens it at the same time. We recommend using the cream as the last step of your morning care routine.
Am o agneie pe frunte ce pot face
Buna seara! De când mă știu am probleme cu tenul ,acnee dar de când m-am mutat in Irlanda situația a scăpat de sub control , tenul este foarte uscat ,mi sa întins și pe gât,umeri ,arăt că arsă și am mâncărimi groaznice ,nu știu ce să mă mai fac , pleoapele le simt extrem de îngreunate iar în perioada apropiata menstruației este cel mai rău …mă puteți ajuta cu in sfat ,o recomandare? Va mulțumim anticipat!!!
Buna ziua deci nustiu ce mai pot face am acnee si ten uscat situatia sa agravat De cind locuiesc in SUA am fost la dermatolog prima procedura ma ars pe fata cu nustiu ce solutie si Inca mai tare sa agravat Mia ramas piete rosii pe obraji si ramine semne deja numai stiu ce pot face am urmat si antibiotice pina la un moment cind mam simtit foarte rau.Puteti sa imi recomandati cremuri pentru o fata uscata si cu acnee